Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer
Pontius Pilate was a Governor.
You do the math.
To those who say that Jesus wasn't a Community you know what a Community Organizer does? Do you really know what Jesus said and stood for?
Try reading the Sermon on the Mount and then claim that Jesus isn't a Community Organizer...and compare What Jesus Said He Would Do (and you SHOULD do) to what you are actually doing. Then tell me you're really a Christian.
And for those of you Christians who base your idea of what Fundamental Christian Values are on the dictates of the OLD COVENANT (Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Exodus in particular) so that you can justify legislating your own hatreds and bigotries on "Christian Values" please explain to me why you are not calling for Todd Palin to stone to death his daughter who is obviously guilty of fornication out of wedlock.
Come on, you Literal Truthers, if you REALLY believe, then do unto this girl what GOD has said you should do in Deuteronomy 22:21.
"Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you."
For those of you who can't translate "play the whore in her father's house", that means sex before marriage. But perhaps these neo-con Biblical Scholars would parse the passage as saying Bristol should not be stoned to death because the fornication did not occur in the Palin home, but elsewhere. With Republicans, accountability and responsibility are not long suits. They think simply being Christian means you're "sin proof" and have nothing to confess. After all, everything they do is just exactly what God told them to do, or they wouldn't have done it.
WWJD? Well, What I Did, Obviously.
Perhaps someone should start a campaign to point up their hypocrisy.
Call it "Old Testement Christians for the God's Prescribed Punishment of Bristol."
Or, maybe if these folks who are so intolerant of everyone else are going to show compassion and forgiveness to Republican children, they might start showing love and forgiveness to everyone else's children...and turn the other cheek instead of adopt a doctrine of pre-emption. Clothe the naked. Heal the sick. Feed the hungry. You know, Christ-y stuff like that.
It might take a slightly more liberal view...and a modicum of community organizing, but I honestly think it is What Jesus Would Do.