Jesus wants me to give voice to my hate...and you can't stop me!
Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies: Many codes intended to protect gays from harassment are illegal, conservatives argue. By Stephanie Simon, LA Times Staff Writer,
April 10, 2006
The same Christians who hate the activism of the courts and frivolous lawsuits are taking to suing schools in order to eliminate anti-hate speech and anti-discrimination codes. Why? Because they feel their religion compells them to be intolerant of gays, and they want to be able to tell them that homosexuals are an abomination and headed for Hell.
They claim that because they are kept, by law, from expressing their intolerance and moral imperative to discriminate against homosexuality that they are persecuted. They, and organizations like Focus on the Family, claim religion in general, and Christianity in particular, are under attack in America. They feel they are waging a war to defend Christianity in an actual war being waged against them. 80% of evangelicals honestly believe this.
In a nation where we are more than 80% Christian, it is outrageous that extremist members of fundamentalist Christian groups can claim persecution and demand a right to persecute others. Especially when they now in control of all three branches of government. If there is a war, it is the dominionists who have declared it, and who are most actively waging it.
Please, one of you people out there who are supportive of this kind of ministry, explain to me how it reflects Christ's efforts to increase his flock? Is it the parable of the fig tree?
How about how he related with actual people?
Try living a perfect example, and stop trying to legislate your narrow idea of morality. Stop using Jesus as an excuse to hate or cause misery to your fellow human being. Please. Stop hurting Jesus.
What ever happened to that nice little song we used to sing in Sunday school? You remember..."They shall know we are Christians by our our love."
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